January 2016

(Note:  Pastor's Pen is published on a monthly basis)


Past, Present, and Future

We have never passed this way before and it took it a year to arrive and history was made everyday of the past year in your life and in mine.  To reflect on the past is a good thing.  Some days we awoke with aching joints, dull spirits and wondered how we could shake off our lethargy, go to work, take care of the family, keep up with the demanding needs of house, yard and cars and just made it through the day.  But we did!  Devotions are a wonderful pick-me-up!  Like David we have the opportunity to lift up our spirits and give thanks to God.  We are able to use our mind and memory to rekindle thankfulness for all His benefits (Ps 103:2) for yesterday and for keeping power for today.  Gratefulness leads us into joy! Thankfulness makes us glad that we are alive and reminds us why we are living!   

Let’s be thankful and give God the glory for healings in the past; healing of bad memories, unforgiveness, poor health, broken families, financial failures, of slothfulness and receive healing for today and expect good health and prosperity in the future.  We should be thankful that God has redeemed our life from destruction and crowned us with lovingkindess and tender mercies.  The seeds of thankfulness today while reflecting on the past will bring a great harvest of blessings in the future.

In 2016 lets plant seeds of thankfulness and reap the reward of strength renewed and vigor; see our spirit rise up and soar like the eagle as we expect a new day and then say, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, I will not forget all of His benefits!”  Let’s celebrate each day and live giving thanks in 2016. Ann and I are expecting this to be the greatest year ever at Northwest for the glory of God as we bind together to see His Kingdom go forth.

Love and prayers,

~ Pastor Roberts


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